Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gender Identity Disorder

   Gender identity disorder is a condition in which male or female feels a strong identification with the opposite sex. This person may act and present as members of opposite sex and may express a desire to alter their bodies. the disorder affects an individual's self-image, and can impact the person mannerisms, behavior and dress. Individuals who are committed to altering their physical appearance through cosmetics, hormones and surgery are known as transsexuals. Identity disorder can cause by genetic abnormalities, hormone imbalances during fetal and childhood development or defects in normal human bonding and child rearing. The disorder occur more often in male than females. the symptoms of disorder among children is expressed desire to be opposite sex, disgust with their genitals, belief will grow up to become opposite sex and rejection by peer. Apart from that, dressing and behaving in a manner typical opposite sex, withdrawal from social interaction and activity, and feelings of isolation, depression and anxiety is also the symptoms among children and adults.

Written By : Fatiehah Johari


  A person who is cross-dressing are them wears the clothing of others gender which assigned at birth.They are no desire or intention for adopt other behaviours or practices common to that gender and not wish to undergo medical procedures to facilitate physical changes.A person that cross-dressers are fetish for wearing the clothing of the opposite gender.They also like to each other and to be attracted to those with the same gender identity.

Written By: Edan Anuar

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gender Identity Disorder (GID)

     Gender Identity Disorder (GID) is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe persons who experience significant gender dysphoria (discontent with the biological sex they were born with). it is a psychiatric classification and describes the attributes related to transsexuality. In many cases, discomfort is also reported as stemming from the feeling that one's body is "wrong" or meant to be different. The diagnostic criteria are long-standing and strong identification with another gender, long-standing disquiet about the sex assigned or a sense of incongruity in the gender-assigned role of that sex and significant clinical discomfort or impairment at work, social situations, or other important life areas. Transsexualism has three criteria; the desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by the wish to make his or her body as congruent as possible with the preferred sex through surgery and hormone treatment and has been present persistently for at least two years.

written by Nur Fazilah

Friday, December 10, 2010


            A sissy is a man who crossdress,adopts hyper-feminin behaviours and engages in sterotypical "feminine" activities,often within the context of BDSM.They assume the submissive role to a dominant female or male a lifestyle desire or fetish activity a sissy feminization is a voluntary transformation from male to female,either physically behaviorally or both.The process is known as feminization or sissification.This tranformation can be either permanent or temporary or only in private or in public.Additionally,sissy represent in regards to sexual orientation and to the type of feminine dress and appeareance they fetishize.A sissy identify as a heterosexual.They desire to be forced by his female partner to engage in sexual acts with man.They also prefer ornate maid uniforms,while others prefer to dress hyper-sexual female clothing.                                                                                                                                                             

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


A person with gender identity disorder is a person who strongly identifies with the gender sex. The individual may identify with the opposite sex to the point of believing that she/heis an fact a member of the other sex who is trapped in the wrong body.This causes that person to experience serious discomfort with his/her own biologocal sex orientation. This disorder is different from transverstism or transverstic fertism where cross-dressing occurs for sexual pleasure, but the transvestite does not identify with the order sex. Boys with gender identify disorder tend to prefer to dress in girls' clothes. They frequently prefer to play games with girls as playmates.They usually enjoy acting as a female figure.Girls with gender identity disorder sometimes live in their lives as members of the opposite sex. They tend to be uncomfortable living in the world as a member of their own biologic or genetic sex.People with gender identity disorder complain that they were "born the wrong sex". They describe their sexual organs as "ugly" and may retrain from their genitalia.

writen by: norsakinah shariff