Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gender Identity Disorder

   Gender identity disorder is a condition in which male or female feels a strong identification with the opposite sex. This person may act and present as members of opposite sex and may express a desire to alter their bodies. the disorder affects an individual's self-image, and can impact the person mannerisms, behavior and dress. Individuals who are committed to altering their physical appearance through cosmetics, hormones and surgery are known as transsexuals. Identity disorder can cause by genetic abnormalities, hormone imbalances during fetal and childhood development or defects in normal human bonding and child rearing. The disorder occur more often in male than females. the symptoms of disorder among children is expressed desire to be opposite sex, disgust with their genitals, belief will grow up to become opposite sex and rejection by peer. Apart from that, dressing and behaving in a manner typical opposite sex, withdrawal from social interaction and activity, and feelings of isolation, depression and anxiety is also the symptoms among children and adults.

Written By : Fatiehah Johari

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